
Springtime Coughs And Colds

At this time of the year many of us have a bit of a tickle in the throat and maybe a bit of sneezing. It could be hayfever or that flu virus that has been going round. Did you know there are lots of natural remedies and preventatives to boost your immune system and keep you healthy?

Did you know that the body is programmed to get rid of harmful viruses and bacteria through the lungs via the force of coughing to prevent infection? The answer is to get extra rest and more fluids instead of masking the cough however if it gets too much there are many things you can do.

Echinacea strengthens the immune system and is a good preventative measure to stop a cold developing.

Citrus fruits such as orange juice can bring down temperatures, grapefruit stimulates the lymph system and fights a fever and lemon cleans and purifies. These are a good way to get some Vitamin C.

Sage in herbal tea form is not too pleasant to drink but will break fever and restore appetite. Do not drink Sage if you are pregnant though.

Manuka honey is soothing on the throat so add a spoon to some warm water with lemon or carrot juice.

Drink lemon and/or ginger tea: Take some fresh ginger and add it to a cup of hot lemon tea. Let it steep for 3 minutes and drink regularly. Ginger is an antiseptic, stimulant and expectorant so it is good for coughs. Add honey to sweeten the teas as it is good for that tickly cough.

Garlic helps get rid of mucus and is good added to juices or eaten raw if you like the taste. Otherwise try some garlic capsules which are odourless. Garlic is anti-bacterial and helps fight infection. It is a good remedy for chest infections.

Aromatherapy: Jasmine, pine and eucalyptus added to a burner help with relaxing you and that chesty cough. Take care though with this if you have young children around. The oils may be too strong for them.

Alternatively mix 15 drops Lemon Scented Tea Tree oil, 10 drops Ginger oil, 10 drops Sandalwood oil, 5 drops Sweet Orange oil in 100ml of carrier oil such as sweet almond, apricot, jojoba. Apply this massage blend daily to reduce body tiredness during winter and to encourage higher immunity. Just the thing for a relaxing cold night even in Spring.

Use half the amount for children and the elderly and do not use this on babies or pregnant women. Do not use Neroli or Rosemary if you are pregnant or epileptic. Do not use Ylang Ylang if you have LOW blood pressure. Less is best when mixing oils. Always mix oils in a carrier oil for massaging into hair or skin. Make sure the oils are all natural so no chemicals are released into your body. As a rule go by what smells nice to you, and don't mix more than a few oils together at a time.

Other preventatives are homeopathic remedies available from your naturopath or try some acupuncture/ energy healing. Reflexology and chiropractic can also be great preventatives. The best medicine is to prevent the colds and coughs before they start. Begin your dose of 5000mg Echinacea twice daily, one Vitamin B complex and 1000mg vitamin C now.

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