
What Causes Thrush or Candida Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection is caused by a fungus known as candida albicans. Other common terms for this infection is candida and thrush. This infection commonly happens in moist areas of the body such as the mouth and genital area. This single cell fungus is found naturally in the body and it causes an infection by way of growing.

What does a yeast infection look like? In women, it is a white thick discharge in the vagina. It other areas it can be identified by patches of redness and white fungus on the skin and causes itchiness and burning sensations.

There are many factors that cause candida infection and the most common is the imbalance of hormones, especially in women. Yeast feeds on secretions produced in the vagina during ovulation and thus an infection is created. The infections also occur in other kinds of hormonal imbalance situations such as during pregnancy and menopause.

Another cause for the infection is stress and depression which cause your body defences to be down and imbalanced. It is important to fight stress and depression with activity such as exercise and sports to prevent infections from taking place.

Wearing tight clothing with poor ventilation such as tight jeans may cause candida to develop too. Tight clothing creates moisture and warmth on the skin which gives rise for the fungus to thrive. Do ensure that the clothes you wear are dry and not too tight.

Sexual activity also causes infection, especially to men and women who are hyper-active. The yeast production is naturally more in women and they infect the men through sexual intercourse. It is therefore a good idea to clean oneself with anti-bacteria soap after each session to kill the fungus before they multiply.

As the yeast fungus feeds on sugar, people with uncontrolled diabetes are more prone to the infection. It is important therefore to ensure that medication for diabetes is religiously followed to bring the blood sugar level down.

Overuse of antibiotics and drugs has recently been known to cause yeast infection too because they kill the healthy bacteria and causes the imbalance between both healthy and unhealthy bacteria, giving rise to infection. Check for symptoms and consult your medical practitioner for advice.

The most efficient way of curing a yeast infection is through natural home treatments as compared to over the counter products that may cause harmful side effects. Natural home remedies have been known to attack the fungus at the root level and prevent candida yeast from overgrowth. Overall, keep your body healthy through good nutrition, exercise and keep your mind stress free and happy. When the body is balanced, yeast infection can be minimised.

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