
What Is Lupus Disease With Over 3 Ideas to Stopping It!

Today I want to talk about what is lupus disease, symptoms and how to eliminate this health problem.

One of the most important things that our bodies do is protect us from harmful bacteria, viruses, pathogens and other nasty things.

This is why when someone dies their body decomposes very quickly because they have no immune system.

If the immune system gets confused and attacks healthy cells then this is lupus disease. This leads to inflammation and damage to healthy cells and tissues. If there is lupus in the skin someone could experience a round rash where the lupus is. There could also be joint pains as well.

If lupus affects organs it's known as SLE and symptoms could be fatigue, fever, joint pains, weight loss and swollen glands. In fact, lupus is sometimes called "the great imitator" because the symptoms are often like the symptoms of other problems like arthritis, diabetes or thyroid problems. So the only way to know if you have it is to get tested.

So lupus sucks, and the million dollar question is how to stop our immune system from attacking the good guys right? That is the important thing we need to know.

One idea that may sound a little crazy is meditation. In a study published in the National Library of Medicine researchers tested 30 people with lupus. Half meditated every day for 6 months and the other half did not.

The results were that the group that meditated showed a trend of benefits in reducing sympathetic over activity, which is the flare ups and improvements in quality of life.

Another idea is lavender oil. There is a connection between anxiety, stress and flare ups from lupus. This oil reduces anxiety and stress plus help someone get to sleep.

A study with 50 hospitalized patients half of the group took 3 ml of 100% pure lavender oil and the other half didn't. The conclusion was that sleep was better in the lavender oil group.

Of course I have to talk about omega 3. Omega 3 fats help with nearly everything and so many people are deficient in them. Harvard Health actually feels that the 6th reason for death in America is people not getting enough omega 3 fats in their body.

Omega 3 fats do help with a lupus and a study involved 52 patients with active lupus who were followed for a six-month period. Participants took either fish-oil supplements three times per day, a copper supplement, copper plus fish oil or a placebo.

While the copper was of no benefit, all of the patients taking fish oil had improvements in inflammation, fatigue, and overall quality of life improved according to researchers.Improvements ranged from mild to drastic with omega 3.

There are many other things someone can do such as changing your diet to eat more anti-inflammatory foods like healthy vegetables, fruits and staying away from processed foods.

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