
Pancreas Diseases Originate In The Liver And Gallbladd

Pancreatic diseases are not trivial by any stretch of the imagination. Pancreatic diseases are sending off internal alarms: "My diet needs to change!" "My lifestyle needs to change!" "I need to take care of my body!" This may seem odd, but to figure out what is wrong with the pancreas, one must look at the liver.

The human body is like an assembly line. All parts of an assembly line have a specific job to do. Once a particular job is done, the item is sent down the assembly line for the next task to be performed. In this scenario, the body's gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is the assembly line. It has organs that work together, and each organ has a specific task. The key players with the GI tract are the stomach, the liver, the gallbladder, the pancreas, and the duodenum. If one part of the assembly does not work or gets stuck, then the rest of the assembly line's productivity is affected.

The liver is the body's chemical factory, and it has many vital responsibilities. One of the most important duties of the liver is to create and release bile. The liver keeps the body clean and tidy by removing toxins from the body; the liver separates the toxins into water-soluble and fat-soluble substances.

To begin, the liver makes water-soluble wastes less toxic. These soluble wastes are taken into the blood that sends these wastes into the kidneys, which in turn send these soluble wastes out of the body via urination. So long water-soluble wastes!

The next step is to transform fat-soluble wastes into bile. Bile then works its way down through the small and large intestines and is eliminated from the body via stool. There is a direct ratio: more toxins in the body=more bile created.

The liver wants to keep the body clean and remove the toxins from it. As sophisticated as the liver is, it acts like a warehouse. It can hold a multitude of toxins like carcinogenic chemicals, pesticides, drugs, and other pollutants. The liver knows which toxins are water-soluble and which ones need to be broken down into bile.

As mentioned earlier, the body is like an assembly line. If there is a breakdown somewhere on the line, the rest of the line suffers. If the liver cannot remove the acidic toxins, less bile with more toxins is produced. Inflammation occurs in the liver and bile ducts. Now, the bile is becoming more acidic, which makes it aggressive in nature. The upset bile can corrode tissue and cells of the bile and pancreatic ducts, the sphincter of Oddi and duodenum. In this state, bile can also go up the GI tract to the stomach and create ulcers. When bile goes backward instead of continuing on the "assembly line", it can go back to the pancreas. The pancreatic duct gets blocked. The pancreatic digestive enzymes that secrete from this duct cannot do their job. They are stuck, inflammation of the pancreas occurs, and now a person is diagnosed with pancreatitis.

Let's go back to the beginning of this unhealthy chain of events. Bile became aggressive. The main reason that bile becomes aggressive is due to the deficiency of minerals, trace elements, and bicarbonates in the body. Such deficiencies cause acidosis and bile and pancreatic juice change in their biochemical make-up. On a daily basis, the body comes in contact with harmful chemicals found in food, water, air and toxins from inside and outside the body. The worst thing for the liver and bile is alcohol. Hence, it comes as no shock that alcohol abuse is the top reason for pancreatitis. Besides alcohol abuse, there are several other toxins that can affect the pancreas. Parasites and particularly one-celled organisms can cause toxicity and inflammation of bile ducts as well.

Everything noted above can cause havoc with the production and elimination of bile. Toxic, acidic, solid bile along with gallbladder stones is a bad combination. Bile and gallstones can block bile ducts and the valve between the bile and pancreatic ducts and small intestine (the sphincter of Oddi). Gallstones can be very small like sand particles or large in size that can actually block bile from moving. If bile cannot go anywhere, a lot of pressure begins to build in the pancreatic duct. Pancreatic juices back up and a person can suffer from biliary-pancreatic reflux. Pancreatic digestive enzymes, which are stuck, start to digest their own pancreatic cells. This can cause congestion, inflammation, pain, cysts and eventually, a death of the tissue of the pancreas gland.

If a person is diagnosed with pancreatitis, this is a big, neon billboard sign telling this person that a lifestyle change is needed. Successful treatment of chronic pancreatitis is commonly difficult and without focusing specifically on the liver and bile almost impossible. Liver and bile health need to be addressed.

What can help???

- A healing diet

- Herbal medicine

- Nutritional supplements

- Acupuncture

- Therapeutic exercises, abdominal, and point massage

- Healing mineral water from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt

Improving the biochemistry of bile, stimulating the production and promoting the elimination of bile are instrumental in the recovery from pancreatic disorders. A change in diet and. certainly, lifestyle can produce notable positive results. Drinking healing mineral water made at home from the genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring salt can improve the function of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and the pancreas. Although this healing mineral water is well-known and well documented in Europe, it remains relatively unknown in the United States.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

Peter Melamed, PhD received his medical education first as a registered nurse, then as a medical doctor in Russia. He had specialized training in anesthesiology, intensive care, and internal medicine. Working as a physician, he became interested in holistic healing through his clinical experience with herbs, acupuncture, healing mineral water, and internal cleansing. He was granted a license to practice acupuncture in Russia in 1978, and from that time, he combined conventional Western medical treatment with herbs, acupuncture, and other non-drug healing therapies.

In 1975, Peter Melamed established "Biotherapy" as a natural, holistic approach to healing.After immigrating to the USA and passing all required medical examinations, Peter Melamed succeeded in starting up a private practice in 1996 at the Biotherapy Alternative Medicine Clinic of San Francisco in the Bay Area.

Peter Melamed is the author of many medical and popular articles along with his eBook: Healthy Pancreas, Healthy You. This book is a revolutionary new guide to healing pancreatic and other digestive disorders without medications and surgery. His article "Chronic Metabolic Acidosis Destroys the Pancreas" was published in the exceptionally prestigious European medical magazine Journal of the Pancreas in 2014.

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