
How Does Type 'A' Blood Affect Gains?

For the small percentage of hard gainers struggling to pack thick muscle unto a narrow frame, sacrificing health for the sake of physique is usually the compromise. However, becoming conscious of restrictions and allotments based on blood type is the key to ensuring the attainment of the physique you want while optimizing health.

I chose type 'A' blood type not only because it's my personal blood type but it is also a high maintenance blood type. Reason being, people with type A blood usually have hyper-sensitive immune systems and the combinations of macro-nutrients necessary to pack on weight, alongside the manipulation of insulin levels can couple the physique of your dreams with multitudes of sick days in bed.

A person with type 'A' blood performs best on vegetarian diets. However, a consumption of 50 calories worth of broccoli usually equates to 60 calories being used to burn it off--and calories are the last thing a hard gainer wants to expend. So, here are a few ways for type 'A' blood type hard gainers can gain mass and stay healthy while doing so.


Being a hard gainer means placing a high priority on simple and complex carbohydrates (carbs) for the sake of ATP, insulin levels, etc. The majority of the immune system is located in the digestive tract--very little can access the bloodstream without first accessing the intestinal tract. So in order to offset taxing your already sensitive intestinal tract with complex and simple carbs, blend and consume substantial amounts of vegetables in between your biggest meals. Not only will this be beneficial to your blood type once the nutrients from the vegetables enter your bloodstream, but the texture of the vegetables acts as a brush along the lining of your intestinal tract, cleaning as it moves along.


Sugar has an adverse effect on the immune system, but the insulin spike from sugar ensures that the hard gainer's muscle can grow in the presence of the nutrient it needs (fat). Therefore, it is imperative to know the times of the day your body can handle insulin the best.

Your body can naturally handle insulin once you wake up in the morning. The 6-8 hour fast you entered into upon going to sleep causes those that aren't even hard gainers to enter into a hyper-catabolic phase. Of course, as the day goes by, your body won't be able to handle insulin as efficiently as the morning hours but you can usually force it proceeding a workout. Keep your highest sugar intake around these times and you'll ensure that your immune system remains optimal.To learn more about training with type 'A' blood type go to fitness tips and nutrition.

Bryan Paul is a retired fitness trainer Certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Health and fitness has always been his passion beginning from an early age, so with the support and motivation of his family he's lead a career helping others live a healthier lifestyle within their means.

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