
Crystals - A Fascination From Ancient Times to Today

Crystals have been used for thousands of years. Jewelry made from crystals is not only beautiful but powerful. The ancient Sumerians used crystals in their magic spells. The Egyptians used crystals like lapis lazuli and emerald to make jewelry and amulets. The ancient Greeks used amethyst to maintain sobriety and hematite to protect them in battle. The American Indians have used turquoise in their jewelry for strength and health. The Chinese used jade for beads and statues. I once saw an ancient Chinese burial suit made completely of jade. It was amazing.

Crystals were created when the earth formed. They continue to transform as our planet changes. Raw crystals may not be as attractive as a polished crystal but they are just as, if not more, powerful. Being a living planet, everything that comes from the earth holds an energy vibration. The energy that created crystals remains inside as an atom and particles, which is where the vibrations emanate from.

When I first started collecting crystals it was because I find them aesthetically pleasing. While other young girls were ogling diamonds I was collecting crystals. To me, they are beautiful and much more valuable than diamonds. As I got older I learned that crystals have metaphysical powers to help and heal. The more I learned the more fascinated I became.

I am a paranormal investigator. While doing paranormal investigations over the past seven years I've learned that everything is not black and white. To get what you want, you first have to give something. This is the way crystals work. In order to tune into the energy vibrations of crystals, one has to be able to concentrate and use one's energy.

My dear friend is an Empath and a medium. I've watched her use pendulums to speak to spirits and divining rods to find portals. I recently gave her a Chakra pendant for her birthday. She immediately held it like a pendulum over the palm of her hand and it began to move. She wasn't moving it either. It moved on its own. I ask her how she does that. She told me to focus on it then imagine energy moving down my arm to the palm of my hand under the pendulum. Then imagine the energy moving like a whirlwind. This was a way for it to read my energy. I tried it and was amazed. It worked! Although my friend has amazing abilities that she was born with, she says that we all have these skills. The catch is that we have to learn how to use them.

Researchers Nat and Tony Bondar have named our thoughts a "thoughtform". According to their research, the harder one concentrates on the thoughtform, the larger and more powerful it becomes. They also studied the Chakras and found an energy highway that runs through our bodies. Nat is clairvoyant and can see energy. This gift came in handy while doing research.

If you're interested in trying to heal with crystals, this is worth researching. Just like anything else we learn, in order to get it right we have to practice, practice, and practice. I've been working on healing with my crystals and so far I've had some progress. You never know if something works until you try it.

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