
Get to the Root of Your Issues

The first chakra, our Root Chakra, is our first point of energetic contact that we make with the earth. The word "chakra" is Sanskrit for the word wheel, or energy center, and is a point of emotional, physical and spiritual energy in the human body. Everything in the universe is energy, including ourselves. Each chakra in our body is a spinning vortex of life force energy that regulates all of the physical body processes, from organ function and immune systems to emotions, intellect and spirituality. Their function is to vitalize the physical body, so it's ideal to have all chakra centers clear and balanced for optimal well-being.

The first chakra, our root chakra is arguably the most important chakra we have and can be the root of all issues in your life if it's blocked or not in balance. This chakra soaks up the energy from the earth and distributes it through our body and to each of the other chakras. This chakra deals with earthly grounding and physical survival. It also bridges the physical body with the mind to restore a healthy energy flow. It's the foundation on which we build our life.

When the root chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it can cause blockages to our entire energetic body, manifesting itself into physical ailments, illness or disease. Blockages here can also reverberate throughout our entire body resulting in headaches, migraines and even depression. We may feel symptoms of selfishness, the inability to relax, abandonment or even depression. Physical symptoms of an unbalanced root can usually be felt in the lower extremities of the body such as constipation, poor circulation, or restless leg syndrome to name just a few. If you experience any more than one or two of these symptoms, you may need a little bit of work on you root chakra to bring it back to balance.

Being that our root chakra is the first and deals with grounding, it's no wonder why there is so much pain, illness and disease in our bodies today. To correct any imbalance in the root chakra, we literally have to work from the ground up. The way I personally get grounded is to stand barefoot on the earth. All of my meditations begin in just that way. Standing on the ground in bare feet and allowing roots to grow from your feet, deep down into the earth will begin the grounding and centering process. Try it out... see how it feels. Then notice how the rest of your body begins to feel.

Remember, each chakra in our body is a life force energy that regulates all of the physical body processes, from organ function and immune systems to emotions, intellect and spirituality. If you'd like to learn more about chakras and how to heal your life, start with your chakra energy centers and see how you can manifest a balanced and healthy physical body.

Love and light to you!

Begin your healing today with my chakra basics email course. If you'd like to learn a more detailed way in healing, mind, body and spirit, be on the lookout for my new book, A Guide to Chakras Healing your Mind, Body and Spirit!, coming soon.

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