
Life - A Labyrinth Maze

The maze - is a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance to a goal or exist.Throughout my studies of Metaphysical Science, Life Coaching, Energy Healing and others, I have come to the conclusion that these teachings all aim to take you down the same path of self-actualization, fulfillment, and personal responsibility. I have come to realize, that life is a journey of choices. With your mind at the command, you create a series of unlimited options and possibilities. Consciously and subconsciously you repeatedly create, in equal amounts, opportunities and challenges. It is then up to you which probabilities are intentionally brought into your reality to physically be fulfilled. Where is your energy focused? Each choice you make determines the life you will experience. More important than the past and the future is the present and the decisions you are inevitably making now.

Life is a maze and it's puzzling labyrinth a mirror of your most intimate desires, thoughts, and feelings. Each person with their singular gifts and talents will journey through the maze in an individually unique experience. Although a collective denominator exists, your personal development and growth are exclusively yours. The goal of the maze is to take you to the seemingly odd destination of its core. Self-actualization only exists at the center of your being and through the mindful realization that you are always in control. You are the sole creator of your own labyrinth, experiences, and consequently your journey.

The heart is the center of any given thing. And, in its center is the energy of Love. We tend to exclusively associate Love with the romantic feeling that exists between two people. But, the true definition of Love is so much greater than we can verbally define. Love is the energy of creation and the same energy through which we genuinely transform our lives. Accepting that this energy exists within you is the greatest knowledge and power you possess. Living in this awareness is reaching the center of your, at times overwhelming, maze and discovering a life where you are in control. You are personally responsible for your own success and happiness. The Universe exists in a reality of cause and effect. Only you have the innate ability to lower the labyrinth walls, to eliminate the unwanted paths, and to perfectly create new ones.

As you awake each day and greet a reality that is not always in perfect alignment with your desires, be mindful. All that exists is a result of your conscious and unconscious intentions. You are an energetic magnet. Where your intention goes, energy follows in sequential manifestation. Have no doubt, that you are unquestionably creating your own maze with every thought, feeling, and action you take. Your focused energy is the cause and your physical reality the effect.

Be calm. Stay centered. Allow yourself to peacefully exist in the center of your maze. Take control of your life by consciously choosing to lower the labyrinth walls and creating paths that are more aligned with your dreams.Take responsibility for the things you dislike and for the limited thoughts, emotions, and actions that lead to their inevitable creation. Stop thinking that life and the Universe are out to punish you. They are not. Transform your life, by solely making choices and decisions that align with your desired outcomes. Remember that the maze is the center is the heart of your existence. With love and through love anything is possible. Love yourself, love others, and love every infinite piece of your life.

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