
What You Should Know About Plantar Wart Removal

Plantar warts are thick, rough growths at the soles of the feet and are usually caused by the Human Papillomavirus, HPV. Most people begin to seek out the removal methods especially when they become painful and unsightly although they mostly clear out on their own after a period of time. If you have been infected, here are a few things you should know.There are simple home remedies for plantar wart removal. Some of the remedies include:   

Using apple cider vinegar: An effective product for plantar wart removal, this vinegar contains acetic acid and is a strong solution against warts. This method simply requires you to soak a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and use a bandage to hold this swab in place against the wart for about twenty four hours. After this period, take out the swab and clean the spot. Repeat the process daily until the warts are eliminated.   

Using onions juice: With this method, cut two bulbs of onions into slices and sprinkle some salt over it. Cover this mixture and leave it overnight. Mash the mixture into a paste by morning and squeeze out the juice. Apply this juice to the warts every day until you get results.   

Using garlic: Garlic contains antiviral properties and can be an excellent choice for plantar wart removal. Peel up to ten cloves of garlic crush them into a paste. Apply this paste to the warts and use a bandage to cover it for about an hour then wash it off. Do this every day until you are rid of the warts.   

Using urine: Urine contains acid and is therefore a great choice for plantar wart removal. This method just requires you to do the same thing as the apple cider vinegar method above.   

Using salicylic acid: You can get this over-the-counter. It is usually in liquid form. To use, soak your feet in warm water for about twenty minutes and file the wart with an emery board. Apply some of the salicylic acid to the wart. Repeat the process daily till the warts disappear.   

Using duct tape: This can take some time but can be a very effective method of plantar wart removal. With this method, you should put a strip of duct tape over the wart and let it be there for six days. Remove the tape after these six days and soak the area in water. Repeat the process after about twelve hours and keep doing this for about two months or for as long as it takes for the warts to get gone.   

Using cryotherapy: This requires the direct application of liquid nitrogen to the warts. This substance is very cold and causes the warts to freeze off.Some warts defy simple treatments and keep recurring. These recalcitrant plantar warts are also called plantar verrucae. After you have tried the simple plantar wart removal methods you know and can't seem to get positive results, then you might want to go for tougher, more intensive methods. These methods are as follows:   

Topical treatments such as Imiquimod and 5-fluorouracil   

Intralesional injections such as Bleomycin sulphate, Candida antigen and Interferon-alpha   

Oral treatment options such as Retinoid, Cimetidine and Diindolylmethane   

The Pulsed Dye Laser method   

Surgical Excision

The advice of your doctor is invaluable in the use of any of the above options which of course should have been prescribed by this doctor.Some wart removal methods have side effects. Here are some plantar wart removal methods and their side effects:   

The freezing method of wart removal can have such effects as pain and swelling and can last for a number of days. This method might also leave a scar which may clear out with time. Another side effect of the freezing method of plantar wart removal is the possibility of an infection. Common signs of infection are redness, swelling, heat around the treated area and fevers.   

Using salicylic acid for plantar wart removal may result in such side effects as skin irritation (sometimes moderate and sometimes severe), hives or itching, redness of the skin, dryness and peeling of the skin, unusually warm skin and fainting. Sometimes, in cases of overdose, such side effects as diarrhoea, confusion, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and rapid breathing may occur.   

The duct tape method of wart removal may result in skin irritation.

If any of the above side effects occur on any of the plantar wart removal methods you try, you should immediately consult your doctor for professional guidance.

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