
Home Remedies for Dealing With Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a dreadful condition and some of its symptoms are frequent passing of fluid faeces, abdominal pain, nausea, dehydration and bloating. It generally takes like two to four days for diarrhea and its symptoms to completely vanish and this is largely dependent on the intensity of the condition. You can get rid of diarrhea naturally and the following tips will be of great help.Use Ginger

You can grate a little piece of ginger, add a teaspoon of honey to it and eat the mixture in order to boost digestion. It is important to avoid taking water immediately after eating the mixture. Alternatively, you can drink ginger tea, two to three times daily. How do you make ginger tea? Cut one little piece of ginger into slices and put them into a cup of water. Boil the water for some minutes and leave the mixture to infuse for about an hour. You should then strain it, add honey and drink it. If you cannot lay your hands on fresh ginger, you can make use of powdered one.

Yogurt Remedy

Researchers have discovered that yogurt, especially the one with live bacterial cultures like lactobacilus acidophilus and bifidobacterium, can be very effective for treating diarrhea at home. These live cultures destroy the microorganism causing the disease and replace it with good ones. Two bowls of yogurt is enough everyday and you can eat banana with it in order to get a better result.

Fenugreek Seeds

You can also make use of fenugreek seeds because they contain mucilage in high proportion and mucilage is a powerful anti-diarrheal agent. You can chew one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds with a tablespoon of yogurt to get relieved. Alternatively, you can mix a half teaspoon each of fenugreek seeds as well as cummin seeds with two tablespoons of yogurt. Blend the mixture and take it three times everyday.

Eat Bananas

Ripe bananas contain pectin in high proportion and pectin is a soluble fiber that fights diarrhea. Bananas are also high in potassium, an electrolyte that boosts the functioning of the digestive system. You should eat a couple of bananas everyday and you will discover that it will improve your condition.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is an antispasmodic agent which is effective for relieving abdominal disorders associated with diarrhea and it reduces intestinal inflammation. In order to make chamomile tea, you should soak one teaspoon each of chamomile flowers and peppermint leaves in a cup of boiling water. Leave it for ten minutes, strain it and drink the tea a number of times daily. You can also drink green tea which is very beneficial for the optimal functioning of your digestive system.

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