Dalai Lama: "Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money t...
Alzheimer's Preparedness - Ready, Or Not?
You and your family may already be walking with Alzheimer's disease or you may have a friend, neighbor, relative or colleague who is - ...
Dealing With Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the bones in the body to weaken and become brittle. This drastically increases the risk of break or f...
5 Tips To Prevent & Reverse Osteoporosis After Touching 30
Bone density is a term used in defining person's bone quality. The glorious days of 20-something are high on all parts of life - hormon...
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Sores?
There are a lot of different issues that can cause problems for women's bodies, including the vagina. One of the most common issues tha...
Are We Near to a Break-Through On the Zika Virus
It's great to hear that scientists have worked out a way to test for the Zika virus in pregnant women. This dreadful disease, which is ...
What Are the Symptoms and Stages of Alzheimer's Disease?
Memory Loss That Disturbs Everyday Life: Memory loss is the most important and common symptom of Alzheimer's. The patient tends to forg...
Emphysema and Smoking - Give Up Before You Die
Emphysema is a disease that affects the air sacs of the lungs, the alveolus. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the alveolus. ...
How To Avoid A Lupus Flare
Lupus, also clinically called SLE, is an inflammatory autoimmune disease caused when a person's immune system attacks its own healthy o...
Choosing the Best Warts Treatment for You
Picking the best wart treatment for you does not have to be very much of a challenge. And you do not have to give up and choose to live wit...
What You Should Know About Plantar Wart Removal
Plantar warts are thick, rough growths at the soles of the feet and are usually caused by the Human Papillomavirus, HPV. Most people begin ...
Top Home Remedies for Warts That Work
Contemporary treatment for warts can be expensive, somewhat expensive. Some even come with side effects like skin irritations and blisters....
What Are Shingles and Is There a Cure?
There are so many diseases of the human body that one has trouble keeping up and shingles is one of them. It has come to my notice again af...
Signs & Symptoms of Pediatric Brain Tumors
Signs & symptoms of pediatric brain tumors can gradually appear & become worse with time or in some cases they can suddenly happen ...
What Is MSM and Its Health Benefits
Books have been written on this product which, to many, is a mystery but its health benefits can be amazing. It is Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane ...
Modern Diseases Linked to Lifestyle That Can Be Avoided
Diabetes has to be one of the most prominent rapidly rising conditions in today's societies. It affects people from all walks of life a...
Trachoma - Its Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatmen
Trachoma is the most common eye disease which could cause severe trouble and discomfort if left untreated. Caused by a bacteria named Chlam...
7 Physical Therapy TreatmentsYou Might Want To Try If You Suffer From Fibromyalgia
The management of muscle and joint pain is important for fibromyalgia patients. In addition to medications, there are various physical ther...
Can a Person Get Rabies From a Bat Bite?
There are several ways a person can come into contact with a wild bat. They are small and clever mammals that can find multiple ways inside...
A Horse, Stem Cells and an Inspiring Comeback Story That May Revolutionize Tendon Repair
Comeback stories are inspiring. They give us hope for the future. This story is about Dream Alliance, a horse whose comeback story to recov...
Hydrocephalus on Infants Treated by Cord Blood
Hydrocephalus is a condition that causes fluid retention in the brain. For this reason, this disease is also called "water on the brai...
Could the Answer to Treating Parkinson's Disease Come From Within the Brain?
Sometimes we search for the solution to a problem in a distant place, whereas the solution remains right beside our eyes. Similarly, scient...
Nine Ways to Lower Blood Pressure
Because of the overall prevalence of heart disease and obesity, it is essential for everyone who is interested in good health and quality o...
Seven Ways to Preserve Your Cognitive Function
Given the prevalence of dementia and the fact that a lot of us are growing older, it is crucially important for us to try and preserve our ...
A Cellular Traffic Jam Is the Culprit Behind Huntington's Disease
Researchers were wondering from ages as to what could be the actual cause of Huntington's disease which causes involuntary jerky body m...
Fixing Mutation That Causes Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy or DMD is a serious genetic disorder that affects hundreds of children every year. This disorder leads to condi...
Stories of Hope - Cord Blood Stem Cells Offer Hope for Autism
What is autism? What makes autistic people different from others? What causes autism? There are hundreds of questions in people's mind ...
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Aroma-therapy is based on the notion that the inhalation and use of natural scents have powerful natural effects in facilitating healing pr...