
Healthy Eating - Which Dairy Product Is Best for You?

Two different types of dairy products you will want to consider adding to your diet plan are Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Which is superior? Which is the better option for you to include in your diet?Here are a few things to know about Greek yogurt and cottage cheese...

1. Protein Content. Regarding protein, both are going to be excellent sources. The cottage cheese may come out a little ahead of the Greek yogurt, but the overall difference will be minimal.This said, cottage cheese contains a form of protein known as casein, which is a very slow digesting protein compared to what is in Greek yogurt. For this reason, you may choose cottage cheese more often if you are on a fat loss diet or you are someone who is looking to prevent catabolism such as at night for instance.

2. Calcium Content. Next, also think about the calcium content of the two foods. Calcium is imperative for building healthy bones, so you will want to ensure you are getting enough during the day. Which one wins out?    cottage cheese contains 83 mg per 100 grams while    Greek yogurt contains 110 mg per 100 grams.

So, if calcium is your primary goal, you will want to opt for Greek yogurt over cottage cheese: this said both are relatively good choices.

3. Fat Content. The fat content is next to consider. Fortunately, lower fat versions and even fat-free are available in both of these foods, so that should not be a factor. You can choose a higher fat content if you wish, but know you do have options.

As dairy fat is saturated fat, some people do work hard to avoid it.

4. Sugar Content. Finally, you should also be thinking about the sugar content found in these two foods. Sugar can be devastating to an otherwise well planned out diet, so it is something you want to avoid especially when you are looking to control your blood sugar.

Here, cottage cheese will be your better bet. While plain Greek yogurt does not contain much sugar, it still will have a bit more than the cottage cheese. This also means it tends to have less lactose as well, so that can be an essential factor for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.There you have the main points about these two dairy options. At the end of the day, as they both are right for you, it probably will come down to which one you like the taste of more.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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