
How Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life

Fragrance Oils for Aromatherapy

Fragrance oils for aromatherapy do wonders for your home and office. Besides the scent of the oil travelling from one room to the next via using an electric oil diffuser, there are different benefits derived from different fragrances.


Lavender is very popular for relaxation. It calms your being and can also help you sleep. Lavender also helps ease depression. This wonderful scent can often be used to replace modern medicine for sleep issues.

Lavender is also used as a great tonic for nerves and anxiety issues. Are you mentally stressed before or even after an exam? Inhale some lavender.


A popular fragrance, apple cinnamon has been used for its spicy yet sweet scent. The smell of apples may help to ease migraine headaches. Its been documented that the smell of apples might even curb appetite.

Cinnamon - there are so many health benefits derived from the use of this spice. As a scent, cinnamon can help boost brain power. A research done at Wheeling Jesuit University concluded that participants who took a "whiff" of cinnamon improved in cognitive functions.

So... imagine the smell of apples and cinnamon together, a formidable team.


Extracted from the Syringa Vulgaris flowering plant (common lilac), this oil has a refreshing floral scent. With its calming fragrance, lilac can help ease anxiety and calm the mind. It promotes a harmonious mood and many aromatherapists use lilac oil to relax their clients.

Additionally, lilac can also bring about an enhanced feeling of sensuality... hmm...


Sandalwood comes from the heartwood of the "Santalum" tree. The use of sandalwood is more than 4,000 years, and has a very exotic scent, with a soft, warm, woody fragrance.

Sandalwood is mostly used in the form of incense. It is also used in perfumes, cosmetics and aftershave.The unique fragrance of sandalwood helps with mental clarity when burnt as an incense or fragrance oil. It is great for mental focus while helping you remain calm at the same time.


A special scent, egyptian musk is a very popular oil that comes from Egypt. Its aroma is woody, sharp, earthy and fragrant. Originally derived from the musk pods found in the Musk dear, the animal was hunted on a large scale and that dwindled its population severely. Now the musk is replaced with a synthetic musk or plant based sources.

Plant base sources used in the make of Egyptian Musk are:· Musk Mullow or Ambrette Seed· Musktree or Muskwood· Musk Flower· Garden AngelicaThe scent of Eyptian Musk oil is used to balance and calm emotions, thus helping to relieve stress.


Vanilla may be one of the most popular scents ever. It's sweet, warm, complex and comforting. Vanilla is a substance obtained from vanilla beans or produced artificially and used to flavor sweet foods or to impart a fragrant scent to cosmetic preparations. Vanilla was found to help infants adapt to stress and aid in sleep, with its calming effects.

A study at Tubingen University in Germany revealed that vanilla reduced the startle reflex in both humans and animals. Because of its relaxing properties, vanilla scents are commonly used in bath products and candles to help promote restful sleep.

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