The flu is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and even death for those who are at high risk. Unfortunately, it is also a highly contagious disease and can get easily transmitted from one person to another. During flu season, it is a good idea to protect yourself from this deadly disease. Even if you are healthy, you could be a carrier for the disease and could transmit it to another person who is more susceptible.
Here are some of the best ways to protect yourself and others around you from flu symptoms.
Get A Flu Shot
The Center for Disease Control or CDC recommends that everyone should get a flu shot at least once a year. This is one of the first and most important measure that anyone can take to protect themselves against the virus.
Taking the vaccine every year can reduce the incidence of flu symptoms. It also means less visits to the doctor, less missed days at work and school because of the debilitating symptoms. It also means less chances of getting hospitalized.
The CDC recommends that everyone older than six months, all individuals who are at high risk and all healthcare workers should get the shot every year. The best time to get the vaccine is around the end of October.
Wash Your Hands Often
The virus gets transmitted easily when an infected person shakes hands with someone or even if they cough or sneeze when they are next to other people. The virus also gets transmitted if a person touches a surface that an infected person had touched earlier.Washing your hands significantly reduces the chances of getting an infection. One of the reasons why children get sick so easily is that it is not possible to ask them to stop touching things.
Get Proper Sleep
Several studies have shown that individuals are more prone to catching diseases and getting ill if they do not sleep well. Getting plenty of rest and sleep boosts immunity and helps your body fight off diseases better so you are less prone to getting ill.
Maintain A Healthy Diet
Some foods can increase your body's resistance to flu infection. Vitamin C and vitamin E are two vitamins that help to maintain a healthy immune system. Eating plenty of Vitamin C rich citrus fruits, berries and peppers and Vitamin E rich fish, avocados and seeds will help you stay healthy through the flu season.
Here are some of the best ways to protect yourself and others around you from flu symptoms.
Get A Flu Shot
The Center for Disease Control or CDC recommends that everyone should get a flu shot at least once a year. This is one of the first and most important measure that anyone can take to protect themselves against the virus.
Taking the vaccine every year can reduce the incidence of flu symptoms. It also means less visits to the doctor, less missed days at work and school because of the debilitating symptoms. It also means less chances of getting hospitalized.
The CDC recommends that everyone older than six months, all individuals who are at high risk and all healthcare workers should get the shot every year. The best time to get the vaccine is around the end of October.
Wash Your Hands Often
The virus gets transmitted easily when an infected person shakes hands with someone or even if they cough or sneeze when they are next to other people. The virus also gets transmitted if a person touches a surface that an infected person had touched earlier.Washing your hands significantly reduces the chances of getting an infection. One of the reasons why children get sick so easily is that it is not possible to ask them to stop touching things.
Get Proper Sleep
Several studies have shown that individuals are more prone to catching diseases and getting ill if they do not sleep well. Getting plenty of rest and sleep boosts immunity and helps your body fight off diseases better so you are less prone to getting ill.
Maintain A Healthy Diet
Some foods can increase your body's resistance to flu infection. Vitamin C and vitamin E are two vitamins that help to maintain a healthy immune system. Eating plenty of Vitamin C rich citrus fruits, berries and peppers and Vitamin E rich fish, avocados and seeds will help you stay healthy through the flu season.